
Time Machine

In Issue 1: In Transit

Nur Al-Mouna

A time travel machine. It might sound futuristic, something science fiction writers spend pages and pages imagining. In fact, I have seen one. I will try to describe it for you, in case you have seen ... Read more

The Mosaic of Brokenness

In Issue 1: In Transit

Jennifer Drews

(today) I cried, driving to the grocery store, for no reason, other than, I remembered (so when does it end?) When I am accomplished and successful, is that when I feel whole again? I desper... Read more


In Issue 2: Space(s)

Aashay Dalvi

“Give me some space.” “You’re taking up too much space.” “I need some space right now.” “Let’s give them some space.” “Trust me, it’s not gonna take up that much space.” “I... Read more

|___________| (Digital Storytelling Workshop)

Aashay Dalvi

“Give me some space.” / “You’re taking up too much space.” / “I need some space right now.” ... Read more