
She Gets There

In Issue 1: In Transit

Emily Arnott

It took her fourteen years to get back to a city. It wasn’t a big city, but hey, it had a bus. Refreshing Google Maps every minute, she prays that all her transfers connect. And there’s no street ... Read more

The Boat

In Issue 1: In Transit

Jordan Wallace

... Read more


In Issue 2: Space(s)

Aashay Dalvi

“Give me some space.” “You’re taking up too much space.” “I need some space right now.” “Let’s give them some space.” “Trust me, it’s not gonna take up that much space.” “I... Read more

Three Poems

In Issue 2: Space(s)

Bee Lee

Untitledmy mother is a pile of dust between two bricks unable to be condensed to a finer powder she sleeps in her ashtray next to the cigarettes that numb her I walk through the door just make a good ... Read more

|___________| (Digital Storytelling Workshop)

Aashay Dalvi

“Give me some space.” / “You’re taking up too much space.” / “I need some space right now.” ... Read more